Aaron Wyville

CPA - Manager - Tillsonburg

Aaron was born and raised in London, Ontario, and now lives in Tillsonburg with his wife Mandy. He graduated from Western University’s Management & Organizational Studies Program in 2021 with an honours specialization in accounting. Aaron also completed his Graduate Diploma in Accounting at Western in 2021, passed the Ontario Common Final Examination (CFE) in 2022 and obtained his Ontario CPA in 2023. Aaron brings with him previous experience in both the manufacturing space and large-scale public accounting assurance services prior to joining GRK.

Aaron is passionate about helping real people with their business needs, and will devote his best efforts to see them through to completion. His specializations include the area of assurance and overall accounting functions, with a focus on private corporations and not-for-profit organizations.

Some of Aaron’s favourite things to do are teaching others new skills, spending time with family, and having meaningful conversations with those around him.  Outside of work, Aaron enjoys playing curling, golf, spending time outdoors, and watching all types of sports.